Mrs. Bean's Kindergarten

Welcome to my classroom blog. I am a Full Day Kindergarten teacher at Corpus Christi School in Ottawa,Ontario. I hope this classroom blog will be a useful tool for parents to stay up to date with what is cool and happening in kindergarten! Please take some time to explore. I have posted links to some interesting reads about the kindergarten child. You will also find links to various educational online games and reading and math tips that support the learning we are doing in the classroom.

Monday, 13 January 2014


We have been focusing a lot on 2D shapes.  We are looking closely at how many sides and corners they have.  Through our investigations, we are becoming more aware that all things around us are made of many different shapes.  Take a look at some of the activities we have done so far...

After walking the perimeter of each shape and discussing how many sides and corners they had, Mrs. Bean gave each student a baggie containg different shapes.

Our next job was to carefully look at our shapes and sort them into the large shapes that were on the floor. 

Mrs. Bean tried to trick us by placing different looking triangles and rectangles and different sized squares and circles.
Mrs. Bean could not trick those Kinders!!  ...not even with a scalene triangle!!


We used pipe cleaners, toothpicks and yarn to make shapes on our table tops!


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