Mrs. Bean's Kindergarten

Welcome to my classroom blog. I am a Full Day Kindergarten teacher at Corpus Christi School in Ottawa,Ontario. I hope this classroom blog will be a useful tool for parents to stay up to date with what is cool and happening in kindergarten! Please take some time to explore. I have posted links to some interesting reads about the kindergarten child. You will also find links to various educational online games and reading and math tips that support the learning we are doing in the classroom.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

I wonder.... is it a fox?

Carter was on a walk at his cottage and came across a pretty cool thing. A SKULL!!!  That's right, a real skull.  Now what we are left wondering is, what animal could it belong to?

Check out the hair that remains.
"I wonder, could it be fox?" - Katie
I wonder, could it be a rabbit? - Mia

It looks like it had some pretty big fangs. 
"I wonder if it was a meat eater?" -Fionn

Because we are curious in K, we do alot of wondering.  To assist in our research we found books from our classroom library and found images of animal skulls online.

Now it's time to do some comparing.

"The skeleton on it's teeth, on one side of it's side is soft the other is sharp. It's a meat eater."

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